SFG is always looking for new team members who love and know how to work the way we do. Our work process does not involve long meetings or lengthy decision-making chains but must remain transparent and clear for all participants. We have no offices, nor do we offer hourly or fixed salaries.
The SFG team works entirely remotely. We are based in four cities across Ukraine. Most of our communication happens through messages or Slack calls, with in-person meetings being optional. All projects are documented in our custom task manager, Display, in a concise and relaxed format that is clear to both current and new team members. We do not have fixed monthly salaries or hourly wages. We pay only for completed work—either an entire project or its milestones. Payments are scheduled to occur at least once a month. All these details are discussed, agreed upon, and documented in a contract before starting work. Before becoming a part of the SFG team, we will complete one or two projects together—you will see how we work, and we will see how you work. After that, we can offer you as much work as you are willing to take on.
If you would like to work with us, send an email to hello@sfg.ua. Tell us about yourself—where you have worked, what you can do and love doing, and why you want to work with us. This should be a genuine letter—a short story about you, not just a dry list of achievements and skills. Attach your resume to the email, preferably in PDF format. We do not open links to resumes on job search websites. Feel free to ask any questions if you have them. We respond to everyone without exception